
Who  am I

I'm a native English speaker from the United States with a teaching certificate in Literacy Support for Learners with Dyslexia from the British Dyslexia Association. Literacy refers to reading, spelling, writing and reading comprehension. I also have a Masters degree in Education from Western Washington University.  I was trained in the United States to teach history and language arts (reading comprehension, writing, spelling & speaking skills) to junior high and high school students.  Since coming to the Netherlands, I became more interested in learning support/remedial teaching and have moved in that direction over the years.  I also taught English to adults in Japan for three years. 


My objective is to help individuals succeed in English. I've encountered too many students with dyslexia who were not receiving the help that they needed to succeed.  It became an interest of mine to help these students because there are effective methods available. My purpose is to help students to develop their literacy skills to the point that they don't need me anymore.

Success in English requires hard work and persistence, but it helps enormously if the strategies and methods one uses have been know to work for others.  I only use programs and methods backed by peer-reviewed research.  Examples of such programs are the following:  Alpha to Omega: The A-Z of Teaching Reading, Writing and Spelling; Sound Linkage: An Integrated Programme for Overcoming Reading Difficulties; Teaching Literacy to Learners with Dyslexia: A Multisensory Approach; and Toe By Toe: A highly structured multi-sensory reading manual for teachers and parents.  These are structured, sequential multi-sensory programs.  Nessy, Jolly Phonics and Read, Write Inc. (Oxford) are good programs for beginning readers.  The University of Florida Literacy Institute's program for teaching reading, Foundations, is also excellent. 

SMART Objectives and Approach to Teaching

I use SMART objectives when teaching which are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-based goals. These objectives are based on the specific needs of the student and the most pressing goals will be worked on first. This is discussed with the parents and student before teaching begins.  I use SMART objectives because they keep both teacher and student focused on working towards a specific goal. 

The student is the focus in my work--not me, not a specific program--but the student and his/her needs. 

I'm reflective and communicative.  What worked in that lesson? What didn't work and should be changed?  How does the student feel about the lessons?  Is progress being made?  What is moving this learner forward?  I try to bring the interests of the student into the lesson whenever possible. 


The initial consultation is free
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